Vomit Vault of London

London has no shortage of quirky museums, including ones dedicated to fans, brands, sewing machines and dentistry. But puke? Thankfully it’s a limited run pop-up. Or maybe pop-“out” is a better term?

Inspired by the growing prevalence of morning-after street spew noticed on post-lockdown walks, Vomit Vault is a timely tribute / celebration that â€ślooks at puke on the streets of London as an indices of economic recovery”.

Clever, but… Really?! It’s bad enough having to navigate round a pile of pavement puke. I’m not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to fill an entire gallery with hi-res imagery of said splurges (Images 2-5).

Thankfully it’s only images, though you can sample a variety of noxious odours if you dare (Image 6) or watch “Ick Flicks” - an endless video loop of people vomiting (Image 7). Both these rooms might make the novelty sickbags you’re handed on entry much more practical than you would have wanted. There’s also a bucket, just in case (Image 8).

Fog machines and user-generated content provide added and unexpected gems, so be sure to read the funny / gross stories left in the Guest Book (Image 10). 

Yes, it was absolutely disgusting, but Bompas & Parr have applied their usual high standards of immersive excellence, so it’s one of the better shows I’ve seen in the gallery, which is frustrating for something so gross. 

But that just reinforces how fortunate Londoners are to live in a city with so many weird and eclectic things to do. Though I did leave wondering if anyone will buy any of the works, which were all for sale. 

Sometimes with “art”, there’s just no accounting for taste, even if it’s regurgitated.


Crucible / Fool’s Gold


2022 - Issue 14