V.O Curations - Assemble

Founded in 2018, V.O Curations is a not-for-profit with a focus on emerging and underrepresented artists. They provide a range of programmes and services, but arguably their biggest contribution is offering inexpensive inner-London rent.
By securing short-term leases in mostly vacant, past-their-prime office buildings earmarked for renovation (often delayed by years of planning & development), landlords continue to receive income and V.O is able to construct cost effective studio space for artists. #win-win-win
Facilities in Aldgate, Angel, Mayfair and St. James Park enable community and networking. And the easy access to West End galleries, major museums and pretty much everything else in Zone 1 is invaluable.
Plus there’s an added bonus for those into property porn. It’s the perfect chance to have a nosy round out-of-fashion corporate office design. Having visited two facilities I’m not sure what’s more cringe: the lifts or the carpets.
In Assemble, the current group show, you’ll encounter a rather wide range of both medium and skill. A handful of works stand out. Others would be better off recycled. But the majority have exactly what you’d expect to see from this sort of exhibition: promise.
With 61 names on display, it’s a great opportunity to discover new artists to follow on Instagram or visit during ‘Open Days’ staggered throughout the year.
Here’s a sample of some that caught my eye…
Image 1 = @guendaina (centre) @mark__connolly @bunmiagusto
Image 2 = @lilykempart
Image 3 = @mandoo_yo (litter bin), @marie_obegi @clarestent @barthajduk @adrianschachter
Image 4 = Interior of litter bin by @mandoo_yo
Image 5 = @petermammes
Image 6 = @hellenahueck + Maryam Fabius (centre) @mariamartnsoul @fade.0707 @alicethompzon @tombowhite
Image 7 = @alicethompzon
Image 8 = @jordan_derrien
Image 9 = @garrettpruter @armaghan90ftm
Image 10 = @alice__mac
Assemble is at 56 Conduit Street, W1S 2YZ until 10 Feb.
Visit V.O Curations (@vocurations) for more information.