2022 - Issue 04

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.
To enter the gallery you pull a knob connected to a rope that rings a bell. A gallerist opens the door and hands me a manifesto. The unmistakable smell of sulfur fills the air as candles are lit. Before I even get to the art, I’m haunted by the ghosts of the Happenings.
Bring a friend, because Beuys Open Source presents the kind of non-traditional art that’s sure to start a conversation. At Belmacz (@BelmaczMayfair) until 18 Mar
Image 1 = Laura Ni Fhlaibhin (@lauranifhlaibhin)
Image 2 = Dan Cooley (@dancoopey)
Like me, I suspect most of my readers will have been completely unaware there is a UK Mexican Arts Society. They’re running a wonderful little group show of works that “grapple with the slippery imagery of the snake”. Painting, video, mixed-media sculptures and a gratuitous title referencing a cult film: What’s not to love?
Snakes on a Picture Plane @UKMexicanArtsSociety until 29 Jan
Image 3 = Amber Khan (@colour.amber)
Image 4 = Emily Mannion (@emilymannion1)
Image 5 = Flora Bradwell (@florabradwellart)
Teraphim may be the strongest ‘group’ show I’ve seen so far this year. Each of the works by Iain Andrews (@IainAndrewsArt - Image 6) and Carlos Zapata (@CarlosZapataArt - Images 7-8) — two supremely skilled and confident artists — is individual and distinct, yet clearly forms part of a related series. I wanted to bring home every single artwork in the show.
At James Freeman Gallery (@JamesFreemanGallery) until 05 Feb
There something somber and alluring about the subtle transparency and layering by Aki Yamamoto (@AkiYmmt_ - Image 9). These works are a soothing antidote to the somewhat freaky featureless faces by Auto Moai (@Auto_Moai - Image 10) and the stylistic mash-ups of Nick Atkins (@electromagnetic_studios) Cleopatra’s Cat series (not pictured) which reminded me of R. Crumb and Ralph Bakshi.
Three Different Minds at Mucciaccia Gallery (@mucciacciagallery) until 05 Mar
Plus there’s Assemble @VOCurations which I wrote about last week, showcasing 61 emerging and underrepresented artists.