2022 - Issue 06

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.
Images 1-2 = There’s some interesting sculptural installations by Noémie Goudal (@NoemieGoudal) but the real magic in this show are the video works. I just couldn’t tear myself away from the hypnotic, kinetic, destructive power of nature on display.
Post Atlantica at Edel Assanti (@EdelAssanti) until 12 Mar
Image 3 = This fascinating collection of 2D works by artists better known for their 3D output is a recommended show if you know the names on display.
Exploratory Drawings at Maximillian William (@maximillian_william) until 26 Feb
Images 4-5 = A collection of 100+ abstracted metal figures by Rafael Klein (@RafKleinArt) demands your attention as they sit in proud procession on a series of displays snaking their way through the gallery. You’ll have to go under or around them to get up close to the incredibly (and otherworldly) coloured landscapes.
Moment to Moment at Zari Gallery (@ZariGalleryLondon) until 26 Feb
Images 6-7 = Step inside the mind of queer cult figure Sands Murray-Wassink (@extrait_sands) via an extensive collection of painted thoughts and writings made over the course of 30 years. You might need a hug if you read it all.
I am not American at Auto Italia (@AutoItaliaLive) until 06 Mar
Images 8-9 = Here’s one for the gadget geeks, because the acrylics hidden amongst the collages of antiquated gizmos and other found objects are about as forgettable as the outdated tech.
Free Like Only Animals Can Be at Project Native Informant (@ProjectNativeInformant) until 19 Mar
Image 10 = How would you translate this image into a 3D sculpture? If you’re not sure, then you’ll want to see how Lydia Smith (@LydiaSmithArtist) did just that using an Xbox One.
Pause is at 13 Soho Square London (@project13org) until 10 Feb