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Linder & Mickalene Thomas @ Hayward Gallery
Two female artists that use photomontage to subvert and reclaim ownership over stereotypical views of race, gender and sexuality.
2024 - Issue 127 - Museum shows
Two recommendations, two to avoid and two where I’ll leave it up to you to decide.
2024 - Issue 115
All the shows this week give visibility to under-represented people and processes, and that includes mermaids!
When Forms Come Alive
A funny thing happens when you fill an institution with large, abstract sculptures…
2023 - Issue 84
Abstract shapes and sounds, small bronze works and big, heartwarming paintings.
Dear Earth: Art and Hope in a Time of Crisis
This isn’t the kind of eco-show that aims to shape your opinion or scare you with facts.
Mike Nelson: Extinction Beckons
Immersive dystopian environments that shift your imagination into overdrive.
Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art
I found this to be a very mixed show. The output is as varied as a Saturday Street Market.
In the Black Fantastic
An unexpected, exciting showcase of works filled with outlandishly engaging visuals that left me wanting more.
Louise Bourgeois - The Woven Child
This is not a genteel exploration of femininity. It is impossible to escape the burden of emotions that are quite visibly woven into these works.