Small is Beautiful: Miniature Art exhibition

Let’s get the obvious Q out of the way: Yes, it’s worth it.
Paying the £16 adult entry fee is like dining out in America: You get a LOT for your money. Way more than you can stomach in one sitting, and that’s a shame as there’s no re-entry.
Right from the start the adventures of Slinkachu (@slinkachu_official) (Images 3-4) make it clear that what you’re about to experience will be like a good Pixar movie: Plenty of amusing visuals for children of all ages, but art fans and artists in particular will be amazed at the detail.
I was particularly impressed by the light & shadow works of Vincent Bal (@Vincent_Bal) — they reminded me of childhood ingenuity, when carpet patterns become miniature race car tracks (Image 7).
There’s incredible creativity on display, even if you find yourself uttering the word “clever” a lot more than you normally do. The colourful candy worlds of Minimiam (@pierrejavelle_photographie) prove that’s not a bad thing (Images 1-2).
There are rooms dedicated to architectural models, doll-house size furniture and tiny paper animals (NV Illustration @nvillustration Images 5-6). These miniature reproductions arguably fall into the category of craft, but they’re exquisitely executed.
All the works are beautifully lit inside protective cases. There are helpful steps so your little ones can see them on their own, and large wall photos help you minimise your squinting, which you’ll definitely need to do in the final room filled with super small works. It’s mind-blowing to look through a microscope and see what David A. Lindon (@davidalindon) has made INSIDE the head of a sewing needle. (Images 9-10)
With 143 artworks from 34 artists this incredibly extensive exhibition has something for everyone. Like a work by Gaspard Mitz ( that proves that the only way to make a Modigliani better is to add a penguin. (Image 8)
Small is Beautiful is located at 79-85 Old Brompton Road in the district of South Kensington — and runs until 04 Sept.
Visit for more information and to book tickets.
Prices are: £16 Adult // £13 Senior, Student or NHS // £11.50 Child
Follow @smallisbeautifulart on Instagram for more details
BONUS: Video & more pics
There was so much to see, and it was so hard to photograph! These pics might not be the best, but I wanted to provide more images (and a video) to give you a better idea of what’s in store at the exhibition so you know it’s not just a lot of miniature penguins! 🐧