Rhys Coren - Everyone I’ve Ever Known

Even if you’re unfamiliar with Tracey Emin’s tent, it’s hard not to see this work and wonder who each piece represents. Especially given the friend-baiting title that will surely bring the artist years of pre-pub anxiety in anticipation of having to hear “Come on, mate… you can tell me. Am I the starburst or the spiral?” yet one more time.
That’s the obvious read thanks to the name and the fact that over 200 various shapes of all sizes (Yes, I counted!) have been squeezed in to this big, wide work. And I do mean WIDE! It’s 900cm of hard edges, soft edges, colours and chaos, and I think I see a face?
Running over half the length of one of the access alleyways into the new Medici Courtyard — part of the Hanover Square regeneration project for the Elizabeth Line — it’s sure to have it’s fair share of viewers once the new Bond St station opens later this year. Alas, it’s actually impossible to see the whole piece straight on. It’s just too long, and the alley too narrow. Which works to it’s advantage.
Getting up close to terrazzo is like peering into a high powered microscope. Look past the bounding outlines and you’ll spot endless variety of smaller shapes and colours, fluidly trying to find their way, fighting for space and attention. I’ve read this work took over three years from concept to completion, and you could surely spend twice as long getting lost in the details. Such as the piece that looks as if the corner cracked off and was carefully put back, like a broken friendship mended.
It’s only just gone up, and not yet listed on any of the annual outdoor sculpture trails. Which means now’s the perfect time to enjoy it while it’s still a bit of a secret. If you can find it.
Visit http://rhyscoren.co.uk or follow @rhyscoren on Instagram for more info about the artist.