2022 - Issue 37

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.
Images 1-2 = I lost track of how many glass slime sculptures are dripping around the gallery. Be sure to look up... the white ones hung high can be hard to spot. But be mindful of your feet as you wander round, lest you trip over the squishy tentacles hugging the public service announcements about quantum computing. Trust me, this will all (hopefully) make more more sense after you’ve seen this show by scientist-artist Libby Heaney (@libby_heaney_)
‘remiQXing still’ at Fiumano Clase (@FiumanoClase) until 16 Oct
Minjung Kim (@Minjung_Kim_art = Image 3) and Susan Schwalb (@Susan.Schwalb = Image 4) make work that is so finely detailed it makes my head spin. I’d like to argue that you need just as much patience and precision to study them as it takes to make them, but a statement like that would be a massive disservice to the artists. If you’re not 20/20, don’t go without your glasses.
‘Still Masters II’ at Patrick Heide (@patrickheideca) until 05 Nov
Images 5-10 = N.S. Harsha, John Wood & Paul Harrison (@woodandharrison) appear to be trolling the public with a ladder you can’t climb and a variety of humourous signs you can sit and read, although some will explicitly tell you not to. Other artists like Alicja Kwade (@alicjakwade) and Ron Arad (@ronaradstudio) take a more inviting approach, inviting you peer through, or even sit on, their works. With some happy sundials and a pointed reminder that there’s not enough kinetic art in the world, the annual Frieze Sculptures (@friezeofficial) are back!
‘Frieze Sculpture Park 2022’ at Regent’s Park until 13 Nov
PLUS — don’t forget to check What’s On so you don’t miss any of the great shows closing soon.