2022 - Issue 20

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.

Image 1 = I only caught a few min each of the two videos showing by Rustan Soderling (@RustanSoderling) but I’m already clearing my calendar to return for the full half hour. These hazy, hypnotic and incredibly cinematic CGI/animation works were immediately captivating. Something most video art fails to be.

A Sickness in the Water’ at Gossamer Fog (@GossamerFog) until 19 Jun

Image 2 = If you’re looking for alternative ways to celebrate history this this weekend, why not pop into a Grade II listed church to view a selection of images documenting the lives of WWII nurses.

Lee Miller: Nurses’ at Fitzrovia Chapel (@FitzroviaChapel) until 05 Jun

Images 3-4 = Boo Saville (@BooSaville) makes soothing colour field paintings and incredibly detailed ink drawings as a way to explore emptiness and grief. These stark, and starkly contrasting, works may evoke isolation and loneliness. I felt inspired. I wonder what they’ll make you feel.

Ma’ at TJ Boulting (@TJBoulting) until 25 Jun

Images 5-6 = There’s a deceptive “back to nature” vibe at the front of the show. But as you’re forced to navigate a sculptural obstacle course of reclaimed materials — some natural, many not — this environmentally charged archaeological site by Rachael Louise Bailey (@Rachael_Louise_Bailey) pulls no punches in the message she’s making.

Thirst of the Tide’ at Alice Black (@AliceBlackGallery) until 25 Jun

Images 7-8 = Appearances can be deceiving, but anyone who knows a thing or two about painting will recognise immediately that these works take exceptional skill to make. Whether or not Robert Nava (@RobertNava7) is putting those skills to the most effective use, however, is a worthwhile debate for another day.

Thunderbolt Disco’ at Pace (@PaceGallery) until 25 Jun

PLUS — don’t forget to check What’s On so you don’t miss any of the great shows closing soon.


2022 - Issue 21


Roundels Project