2022 - Issue 19

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.
Closing Soon
Image 1 (+ gallery below) = I love the experimental freedom and freshness of student art shows, and specifically trying to guess who might one day host their own Mayfair solo. Whether they did something different or just flat out have incredible artistic skills, here are seven I’ll be keeping an eye on:
Abigail McGinley = @abigaillmcg
Cailin Cummins = @cailincummins
Cherry Song = @rvouger
Laurence Watchorn = @laurencewatchorn
Saskia Colwell = @saskia_colwell
Selena Scott = @selenarosescott
Shaqúelle Whyte = @shaq.whyte
The UCL Slade School of Fine Art 2022 Degree Show (@sladeschool) runs until 26 May
Images 2-3 = Part living studio. Part community outreach. 100% effort “out of love of making sustainable work”. In full transparency, I only attended the Phase 1 install, so I’ve really no idea what these 7 artists will be doing with the space, so maybe I’ll see you there!
Lorraine Snap = @snappysnape
Alexandra Errington = @alex.c.errington
Eva Brá Barkardóttir = @eva.barkardottir
Lizzie Cardozo = @lizzie.cardozo.09
Simon Job = @simonjob
Stephen Nulty = @stephennultyy
Tere Chad = @terechad
Located inside the @ElephantArcade (50 London Road, SE1 6FY) until 27 May
Image 4 = There’s beauty in maths & science but it takes artistic minds to translate it into forms the public can appreciate and enjoy. With degrees in Mechanical Engineering & Chemistry, the Kai Lab duo (@kai.lab_) has both. Come sit, watch and listen to their fascinating abstract works that explore patterns via motion, light and sound.
‘Phases’ at Espacio Gallery (@espaciogallery) until 28 May
Images 5-6 = Whether musical, written, verbal or visual, art is often the only way people are able to make sense of the horrors of the world. Recent work from nine Ukrainian artists is on display while they are safely away, many in Kyiv bunkers and safe houses.
‘Ukraine: Courage to create’ at the old Hampstead police Station (corner of Rosslyn Hill and Downshire Hill) until 29 May
On for longer:
Images 7-8 = Francis Upritchard makes the kinds of creatures your kid might make… if your kid had talent. The small scale makes these fang-filled creatures with elongated limbs a lot less scary than they should be… although the ones made from balata rubber have the kind of freaky dead-skin appearance you’d expect to see if you unwrapped a mummy.
‘Surf ‘n’ Turf’ at Kate MacGarry (@KateMacGarry) until 11 Jun
Images 9-11 = Walking through Jesse Darling’s install feels like you’ve snuck into the ruins of a church that’s been renovated into some kind of Stranger Things children’s asylum / testing centre. Surveillance cameras, severed dolls and decorative tools of destruction (safely locked away) all add to the unease.
‘Enclosures’ at Camden Art Centre (@camdenartcentre) until until 26 Jun
Images 12-13 = Abstract art might be the antithesis of a carefully composed musical suite. Bafflingly, Roger Holtom has mastered both. “Now I understand why you bought his work previously… after seeing them in person” wrote a friend after attending the PV where Roger himself — a former concert cellist — played for the lucky attendees.
‘Preludio’ at Fiumano Clase (@fiumanoclase) until 08 Jul
PLUS — don’t forget to check What’s On so you don’t miss any of the great shows closing soon.
Highlights from the Slade undergrad show.