2022 - Issue 02

Showcasing artists and works that caught my attention.
Images 1-2 = Group shows always have a standout. In this case, it’s the staging. A simple pinwheel effect separates the space into eight colourful pie shaped slices, some more tasty than the rest. “What do you see, you people, gazing at me” at Sadie Coles (@SadieColesHQ) until 29 Jan
Image 3-4 = Although not as emotionally impactful as ‘Sun at Night’, the fabulous exhibition at the Barbican Curve Gallery (@BarbicanCentre) (until 06 Feb), the recent lockdown works by Shilpa Gupta (@ShilpaGuptaStudio) at Frith Street Gallery (@FrithStreetGallery) (until 05 Feb) will certainly set your mind spinning.
Image 5 = Equally engaging as the gallery’s exposed architectural elements, the crosshatched chiaroscuro style drawings of architect Pier Vittorio Aureli remind me of Battersea Power Station brickwork. At Betts Project (@BettsProject) until 29 Jan
Image 6 = This zoomed in detail of Pipe by Claire Barrow (@claire_barrow) is only a fraction of the meandering maze-like story in her work, which fills up the recently opened Dinner Party Gallery (@DinnerPartyGallery) until 27 Jan
Image 7 = The bright, primary colours of Deborah Segun (@deborah_jayde) drew me in, but then I got lost in the sumptuous, oversized shapes. Was I looking at one person or two? What is her/his/their mood? It wasn’t always obvious, but this one reminds me of the Mona Lisa. At Beers London (@BeersLondon) until 15 Jan
Image 8 = Those of you still smarting by the delay of the LAF might try “In Formation”, a group show with 56 works by 29 artists, most priced between £300 - £1,000 at Thames-Side Studios (@thamessidestudiosse18) until 23 Jan. My two favourite works, and artists to now keep an eye on, were:
Image 9 = ‘Housing Complex’ by Kristina Page (@kpage4) is made entirely out of window envelopes
Image 10 = ‘Dead godot in a turmeric gold tea box’ by Mandy Buttling (@maddybuttling.art) both made me laugh and need to call my therapist