Federico Uribe - Lush

Just look at that turtle, made out of an old construction hard hat, and tell me you aren’t smiling. Go on… try not to smile. You can’t!
Pencils, scissors, bicycle tires, tennis rackets, bullet shells and endless pieces of plastic including lighters and bottle tops are just a few of the many, many items that @FedericoUribeArttransforms into animals and other organics.
“Every time you turn around you find something more unique” says my Dad. And indeed, half the fun of this joyful work is trying to figure out what everything is actually made of. It’s not always obvious, and with almost every inch of Adelson Galleries turned into an immersive jungle or seascape, you can certainly spend a lot of time trying.
Depending on how you view “clever” works of art, this is either the installation of the year or an attention grabbing excuse to fleece the Palm Beach millionaires of their money. I don’t normally write the asking price, but that bullet shell monkey in Images 8-9 is $36,000. One man’s trash, as the saying goes…
Regardless of whether or not you can afford to bring more than memories home with you, it’s a show that’ll make you smile.
@adelsongalleries until 10 Jan 2022