
The current group show at Sadie Coles reminds me of those silly online quizzes you take to help you determine critically important things, like which Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into.
Titled Repeater, it’s “an exhibition about repetition and difference”. Both those terms come through loud and clear, but it’s the impact of the latter that turns this show into a litmus test for your taste in contemporary art.
They really should provide you with a little golf pencil and checklist because they quite literally have at least one of everything:
➡️ Painting? Drawing? Sculpture? ✅
➡️ Video art? Photography? Mixed-media? ✅
➡️ Turner Prize shortlist and YBAs? ✅
➡️ Pop art? Abstract? Minimalism? ✅ ✅ ✅
With such an extreme range of works, including some pretty well known names, I found it incredibly hard to compare them on the concept of repetition alone. They’re simply too different from one another. Sometimes a loose thematic grouping works wonders and other times, well…
I’ve posted some photos that try to capture the spirit of the show. Some of these works I love, and some I think the opposite. I’m not going to say which is which.
Maybe you’ll go and wonder why the heck I didn’t include an image of something that was hung right next to what I chose to show. Take what you like and leave the rest, as they say.
That’s art.
More specifically, that’s contemporary art.
At Sadie Coles (@SadieColesHQ) until 26 Mar
Click here to see the full show catalogue.